What to expect?

We guide you through the whole process: from idea to finished infographic.

  • During the physical workshop, you learn how to define your key message, you start to sketch your own infographic in order to convey this message, and we teach you how to work with different online tools. We will make sure that the backbone of your infographic is in place, so that you are able to finish it independently at home.

  • But don't worry, you do need to finish your infographic without any further assistance or guidance! You may find plenty of inspiration and tools on our online learning platform.

  • Furthermore, we organize an online feedback session in which you receive individual feedback on your work-in-progress.

  • And for the cherry on top: after finishing your perfect infographic, you may be able to publish it through one of our media partners.


Koen Van den Eeckhout

With his information design agency Baryon, Koen turns complex information into powerful visuals. Think infographics and data visualizations, inspiring reports, design guidelines for charts and data, dashboards, and workshops. His love for science communication has only grown since he completed his PhD in physics in 2013.

What's in it for you?

  • Learn how to define your key message

    A skill that will help you tremendously in your academic career: for lectures, research proposals, articles,...

  • Learn how to communicate visually

    A very useful skill in this visual era of social media and poster presentations.

  • Reach an audience

    Your infographic could be published by one of our mediapartners!

Vorige deelnemers

Poster award

Ellen Roels

The workshop is a while ago now, but I would still like to thank you explicitly for the theory and tips. The infographic I made for this workshop got me a best poster award, and that’s thanks to you for a great extent. So thank you again, and keep up the good work!

Something for you?

  • Are you a professional researcher?

  • Do you want to learn more about visual communication?

  • Do you have research results that you want to turn into digestible and attractive infographics?

  • Are you available on October 16 to come to Brussels and on November 5 for a short online feedback session?

Watch Intro Video
Click right-below the slides to enlarge


Creative and well-balanced science communication

The SciComm Academy is an initiative by SciMingo. We are a Brussels-based nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering creative & well-balanced science communication. Our aim is to encourage scientists to share their research with the world, and guide them in that process.

You might know us from projects such as the Flemish Dissertation Award (Vlaamse Scriptieprijs), Flemish PhD Cup (Vlaamse PhD Cup) and Science Figured Out. Find out more at scimingo.eu

Want to know more about the SciComm Academy?
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