• Creative

    Our speakers think out-of-the-box about science communication: often because they are not only familiar with science, but also with, for example, the media or the artistic/cultural sector.

  • Interdisciplinary

    Because we focus on communication techniques, our lectures are always suitable for all scientific disciplines.

  • International

    Our program is bilingual (EN/NL) and we regularly invite international speakers.

Van studie tot krantenkop: hoe wetenschapsnieuws ontstaat

26 maart 2025 - 12.00 u

Wetenschapsnieuws legt een lange weg af voordat het de krant haalt—via persberichten, mediakanalen en vertalingen. In dit panelgesprek brengen we wetenschapsjournalisten, academische communicatiemedewerkers en onderzoekers samen om te bespreken hoe deze keten werkt en waar het soms misgaat.

Fighting misinformation: why scientists and fact-checkers should join forces

February 27, 2025 - noon

Do you want to help fight misinformation? Join our lunch talk with Ferre Wouters (Factcheck.Vlaanderen) to learn how scientists and fact-checkers can work together to tackle scientific misinformation.